Mother Mary is Truly the Mother of the Living. This is at the Heart of Our Ministry as we Care for the Sick and the Dying. The Children she appeared to 102 years ago had one focus: to pray as "The Lady" requested. The Rosary was the one form that they regularly used, but now it had a greater urgency, as she would point out and warn us about. If we analyze the events that transpired during the past century, the 20th, and consider the consequences of sin and evil that took hold of humanity, we can readily see that this warning was not taken seriously, at least not by many. Now we stand on the brink of what could lead to the destruction of mankind, if Nuclear Arms are ever used, even in a minor way! Russia continues to be a threat, true, but so is everyone who has rejected God. God is still on His Throne, yet so many of His Children have chosen to turn their backs to Him. The United States of America, the land of the free, the brave, One Nation Under God, Indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for All, is dying in the Culture of Death. The Litany of Sins need not be listed here, for they are legion. In a recent message from Medjugorje Our Lady said "This is a time of grace, a time of mercy for each of you." How she loves us! She also points out that the devil wants "peacelessness and disorder." Jesus conquered sin and death to give each of us life; can we not be proud to be who we are in Him Who Rose from the dead, that we might have hope in His Resurrection? One thing that puzzles us here at Homes of Life Across America and in the Home of Life in which we live, work, and serve, Loreto on the Plains Personal Care Home, is that few people want to join in this battle for life. Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide are at the other end of the Pro-life spectrum of Protection of Life from Conception to Natural Death. Natural death means...uh...Natural. No drugs, no human intervention to bring it about. God is the giver of Life. He is the only one Who has the Right to call a person back to Himself when it is time. He knows the time. We invite our readers to consider joining us, perhaps as an associate, perhaps as an Intercessor, but in whatever way you may choose, there is an urgency as we see the escalation of evil, demonic forces covering us and our children. Let us hear from you. Respond to this blog. We want to share with you the Beauty of Life, like Our Mother Mary did in 1917 in Fatima. Our Lady, Queen of the Holy Rosary, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our deaths, amen, and amen!
Fr. Ron Mathews, Chaplain