
Education about our role as caregivers and patients, our rights, the problems we face, how to talk to our doctor and how to be aware of each medication given or taken help us to become strong and to be an advocate for others. 

When we know what the church teaches it helps to makes very clear the appropriate response to the issues which we face.

The hospital and the "attending Physician" in a life support situation, can judge that your loved one is considered "futile care" patient. That means that it is a waste of time, personal, and equipment to keep this person alive by staying hooked up to life support. This is their judgement and they will tell you that if within two days if there is not some sign of improvement they will take your loved one off Life Support. You are given the option of 10 Days to meet with hospital medical board (a very intimidating experience) and plead your case and told to look for a facility that will receive him. If he(she) can breath on his own then treatment will continue as long as he is breathing on his own. If not, of course he dies!
This law is solely to protect the hospital and doctors from being sued in a "wrongful death" law suite.

Every patient entering a Hospital, Nursing Home, Rehab Center or any other medical facility accepted by your state a medical, will be given a copy of the Patient's Bill of Rights. This is another protection for the hospital and the doctors. It gives you the right to choose DEATH not the right to LIFE.

Both of these documents tell your final wishes of the care you wish to recieve or do not want to be used. There two things that go wrong here. First of all, if you live in a state where there is a "futile care law". That document of yours is not worth anything. In other words, it is no good and the hospital can ignore your wishes, directions, no matter how strongly they are worded are overridden by the hospital and medical team and your request will be marked as "Futile Care".

Dispite all of this, one should always have a truly Protective Medical Decisions Document.
Without one you are truly left in the hands

Free Info Packet

Our outreach includes conference presentations, workshops, seminars, a newsletter "Living Today in the Palm of His Hand" and a complete Information Packet on End of Life Issues for those desiring to join in this struggle against euthanasia and physician assisted suicide.  This will also help with informing their family and friends of the misinformation and will help them to prepare for taking the appropriate action before being faced with a health care crisis.

We are offering our Information on End of Life Issues Packet Free of charge + $3.50 postage.  This packed has been endorsed by Fr. Frank Pavone, and is an excellent resource for educating and empowering you and others to be an advocates for your loved ones as well as those vulnerable people who cannot speak up for themselves.

Contact Us to order a Free Packet

Some of the Materials found in the Information Packet 

  1. The Papal Address on Food and Water
  2. Types of euthanasia
  3. Protective Medical Decisions Document
  4. Palliative Care vs. Assisted Suicide
  5. Symptoms of Dehydration
  6. Abused, Neglected and for parents
  7. Euthanasia Expanded to Include Children
  8. Important Websites

Ed and Nan with Brother Paul (Franciscan Brothers of Peace) who stayed at Terri Schaivo's bedside as Terri was dying of starvation and dehydration. This picture was taken at the Wichita, Kansas Conference where our booth featured the model for Loreto, education materials, and the spirituality of the mission to the sick and terminally ill of Loreto.  

   The website of the Schindler Foundation and where you can find the truth about Terri Schindler Schiavo's death by dehydration. There is a wealth of articles and links to other important and informational websites dealing with end of life Issues.


The official website for the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops in Washington D.C. 
Go to the Secretariat for Pro-Life Activities.


This is the official website for the Vatican where all the documents are available.

Amarillo Diocese

            This website is in the diocese in which Holy Family Ministry Center and Loreto resides.  The Blessing Blanket Project, Education, Chastity Programs and many other Life concerns are addressed by the Respect Life Office of the Diocese. 

A vast resource for respect life materials.  Articles, contacts, organizations, even colleges and universities that educate the public about the fight for the Culture of Life vs. Culture of Death and help those who want more information to enter the fight at the end of life.  


Life Site News  

A news service which can be subscribed to in order to obtain the latest Pro-Life news.


Patients Rights Counsel 

The International Anti-Euthanasia Task Force was founded by Rita Marker to fight the racing tide of euthanasia.  Rita is a lawyer and very knowledgeable of all the state laws governing end of life decisions. The Task Force has the largest library concerning euthanasia in history and modern use.

Eucharistic Apostles &

Mother of Mercy Messengers

Two wonderful Divine Mercy Apostolates

Priests for Life

This is the official site for Fr. Frank Pavone.  You can purchase many teaching tools such as DVD's, videos, books and pamphlets,as well as, the pamphlet entitled " Terri Schiavo's Final Hours --- An Eyewitness Account".  (Go to  brochures page 3) 

National Catholic Bioethics Center 

This Center is the Catholic Center for scholarly works surrounding Life Issues.  Fr. Tadeusz Pacholczyk (Fr. Tad to most) is a member of the Bioethics Center and is a brilliant young Priest in the matters of stem cell research and other life topics.  Fr. Tad has many degrees but speaks with a style that touches everyone who listens to him in a vocabulary that all can understand.

Human Life International

Human Life International with Fr. Euteneuer as president.  Father is an excellent speaker and available to speak at conferences schedule permitting.  It is a dynamic organization that has been in the fight for life since the early 70's with Rev. Paul Marx, OSB as its founder. 

Divine Mercy for Healthcare Professionals 

Organization of nurses, doctors and medical personnel who choose to follow the way of The Divine Mercy in ministering to the sick and catastrophically injured founded as a response to the 9/11 Tragedy. Founded by Marie Romagnano RN.             


Well researched document on end of life issues with multiple resources. (After arriving at the site click on RESOURCES to reach this document.)