A song by the 60s group Up With People states ... "Freedom isn't free, you gotta pay the price, you gotta sacrifice, for your liberty..." This is at the heart of the land of the brave and the free. We remember those who paid the utimate sacrifice. I think of my classmate Merlin J. Craig who, after leaving the seminary, went to serve in Viet Nam. I visited the Viet Nam Memorial a few years ago and found his name. How many have had to sacrifice for our liberties. As I care for a man, 90 years of age, who served in Korea, I consider it a great privilege to do so; I am free to do so. His service made it possible for me to serve later in the Service of God as a Priest. Our Ministry here at Loreto on the Plains is focussed completely on this reality: we are all called to live, serve, and die. Pro-life is all about these three. A Call, a Vocation, requires an awareness of who we are, Children of God, what we are called to, and that is to serve, as Jesus did, and in His time, to die, that we may share Eternal Life with one another.
Homes of Life Across America is an initiative to stimulate interest in service to those who are sick and/or terminally ill. Our whole focus is to realize a vision that looks beyond the "self" and involves sacrifice. Not everyone is prepared for this, so we are happy to offer assistance, training, and inspiration. The elderly should not be set aside or ignored, but cherished. The wisdom, love, and courage we can find in their lives can and should be passed on to our children and grandchildren. Look around and consider whose life you may be able to influence, even save and empower; are you prepared to take that step?
Our blog needs to hear from you. Can we count on you to share with us? Jesus challenges us to serve as He served, if we are to follow Him.
God bless and keep you in His Love,
Fr. Ron Mathews, Chaplain